What is the purpose of Cornerstone?
The purpose of Cornerstone is to communicate the key fundamental principles that empower a person to live a transformed and purposeful life through their relationship with Christ.  

When is Cornerstone?
It takes place over four weeks, focusing on foundational theological principles, as well as provide resources and next steps for continued Biblical study, spiritual growth, and next steps in connecting with New Season Church.  Cornerstone begins the Sunday following Starting Point, dates are listed below.  Cornerstone meets in the front classroom during the 2nd worship service at 10am.

Who is Cornerstone for?
1) New Members - will learn some of the core theological principles that NSC believes, and also of opportunities to get connected to serving, groups, etc.  
2) Those who are newer in their faith - will learn foundational theological principles (authority of scripture, freedom through their relationship with Christ, freedom leads to purpose, and role of the church).   
You can Click Here to register
2024 Opportunities
February 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th
May 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
August 18th, 25th, September 1st, and 8th
October 13th, 20th, 27th and November 3rd